Greg Koski, MD

Dr. Greg Koski supports clients of ASG’s Health practice as they realize transformative growth and impact in markets around the world, with a focus on clinical research systems and standards.

An internationally recognized leader in his field, Dr. Koski is the president and founder of the Alliance for Clinical Research Excellence and Safety, a non-profit organization that seeks to build an innovative, ethical, and cost-effective global system for clinical research.

Previously, he was the first Director of the Office of Human Research Protections at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he led the National Human Research Advisory Committee and created the OHRP’s International Program. Partnering with governments and organizations around the world, including the World Health Organization and the World Medical Association, he worked to build more effective and ethical systems for global human research. Dr. Koski has also helped lead the health care industry’s transition to digital health, sitting on the board of the non-profit SAFE-BioPharma Association.  

He is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, and a senior scientist at the Mongan Institute for Health Policy. Dr. Koski received his M.D., his PhD. in Physiology, and his B.A. in Biology from Harvard University.

Dr. Koski is based in Boston.


A global team of respected professionals

The ASG family will forever be grateful for our dear friends, former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and firm co-founder and co-chair Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger.

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