Brian Katulis

Brian Katulis is a Senior Advisor to ASG, where he assists clients with issues related to the Middle East and North Africa. Mr. Katulis draws on more than 20 years experience advising the U.S. government, private corporations, and non-governmental organizations on projects in more than two dozen countries, including Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, and Colombia. Mr. Katulis is also a senior fellow and vice president of policy at the Middle East Institute.

Mr. Katulis has conducted extensive research on the ground in the Middle East, where he has lived and worked in a number of countries, including Egypt, the Palestinian territories, Israel, and Jordan. His past experience includes work at the White House National Security Council and the U.S. Departments of State and Defense during President Bill Clinton’s administration. He also worked for Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Freedom House, and former Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey. He was also a Fulbright scholar in Amman, Jordan, where he conducted research on the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.

Mr. Katulis has been featured in a number of leading television and radio programs including PBS NewsHour and NPR. He has also published articles in several newspapers and journals, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. He is co-author of The Prosperity Agenda, a book on U.S. national security published by John Wiley & Sons in 2008.

Mr. Katulis earned an M.A. from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School for Public Affairs and a B.A. in History and Arab and Islamic Studies from Villanova University. He is fluent in Arabic.

Mr. Katulis is based in Washington, D.C.



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